Arts & Humanities Division
Through scholarly inquiry, artistic creation, and community engagement, the Division of Arts and Humanities cultivates a rich artistic and intellectual community that fosters a respect for diversity and encourages lifelong learning. Students learn to engage critical and creative thinking skills as tools for reflection, expression, and engagement. General education courses for non-majors provide an introduction to creative and critical inquiry and include survey courses as well as courses in creative application and short-term education abroad.
Dean of the Division
Corinne Ness
Dean, Division of Arts and Humanities; Director, Master of Music in Music Theatre Vocal Pedagogy; Professor of Music
262-551-5733 |
Read more about Prof. Corinne Ness
Administrative Assistants
Heidi Baehr
Johnson Art Center 211
262-551-5859 |
Gloria Cairo
Lentz Hall 241
262-551-5742 |
Degree Programs
African Studies
B.A. in Studio Art
B.A. in Art History
B.A. in Art Education (K-12 licensure)
Minors in Studio Art, Art History, History of the Arts, Film & New Media, and Photography
B.A., Minor
Minor in Film & New Media
Creative Writing
B.A., Minor
B.A. in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing
Teacher Education Licensure in English Education (Secondary Education; additional course work required)
Film & New Media
B.A., Minor
Teacher Education Licensure in French Education (Secondary Education; additional coursework required)
B.A., Minor
Teacher Education Licensure in German Education (Secondary Education; additional coursework required)
Graphic Design
B.A., Minor
B.A., Minor
Teacher Education Licensure in History Education (Secondary Education; additional course work required)
Interfaith Studies
B.A., Minor
Medical Humanities
B.A., Minor
B.M. in Music Education (K-12 licensure in Instrumental/General and Choral/General)
B.A. in Music with an Emphasis in Music Performance
B.A. in Music with an Emphasis in Music Theatre
B.A. in Music with an Emphasis in Piano Pedagogy
B.M. in Piano Performance and Collaborative Piano
M.M. in Music Theatre Vocal Pedagogy
M.M. in Music Pedagogy
Musical Theatre
B.M. in Musical Theatre
B.A., Minor
Public Relations
B.A., Minor
B.A., Minor
Minor in Interfaith Studies
B.A., Minor
Teacher Education Licensure in Spanish Education (Secondary Education; additional coursework required)
B.A., Minor
Teacher Education Licensure in Theatre (K-12 licensure; Secondary Education Minor; additional course work requried)
B.A. in Theatre Performance
B.A. in Technical Direction
B.A. in Theatrical Costume Design
B.A. in Theatrical Stage Management
B.A. in Playwriting
Women’s and Gender Studies
Contributions to the General Education Curriculum
Students seeking to satisfy distribution requirements toward their Carthage degree will find regular offerings of courses with the HUM and FAR designation to meet their general education requirement. These courses are designed to engage students intellectually and creatively in particular areas of the arts and humanities by introducing students to aesthetic activity as an essential dimension of the human condition, of human cultures, and of their own capacities and callings.
Courses fulfilling the HUM and FAR designation generally fall into two categories:
- Survey courses designed to cultivate appreciation of the arts and humanities by exposing students to a significant body of literature or area of creative activity within its cultural context.
- Application courses designed to engage students in the direct experience of aesthetic and creative work.
Information on specific general education courses can be found on their department websites.
Experiential Learning Opportunities
Experiential learning is a core component of a Carthage education and each department in the division supports a range of opportunities. From field placements to internships, performance tours, and excavations, students in the Division of Arts and Humanities engage in experiential learning. Local, regional, and international partnerships provide opportunities for students to translate theory into practice.
A flagship program for the College is the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE). Students who earn a SURE grant are competitively selected to conduct research and creative projects with faculty mentors. Students present their research and creative projects at conferences and events around the world.
Co-curricular and Extracurricular Learning Opportunities
Students in the Division of Arts and Humanities develop strong relationships with their faculty mentors, largely through co-curricular and extracurricular learning opportunities. From studio to classroom, students and faculty engage in collaborative projects that help prepare them to be engaged, informed citizens. More than 2,000 students participate in music ensembles, art clubs, theatre productions, poetry readings, and historical enactments.
From lecture series to our New Play Initiative, the Division provides opportunities for students and the community to gather together to engage with the critical questions and creative ideas of our past, present, and future. Our music concerts showcase the creative work of students and faculty alongside world-class invited guest artists. The H. F. Johnson Gallery of Art brings established and innovative artists to the Carthage campus, and the annual Graphic Design and Art Department “Art Walk” showcases the work of our emerging student artists and designers.